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School District 5
Mount Baker Secondary School

​​​​Assignment Title: Societal Changes From World War I

Notes: To research information about the changes caused by World War I. Some areas to focus on include the effect on women's lives, economic conditions, industrial production, weapons development, living conditions, social structure, America's role in the world, and the League of Nations. Using this research, you are to write a fictional interview from a person living in a country that was involved in the war. This interview should show how this person's life was affected by war.
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Assignment Title: Primary Source Documents
Notes: Facsimiles of Primary Sources can be found in many places on the Internet. Here are a few sites to start your search!
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Assignment Title: Becoming Media Savy
Notes: With more and more mass media concentration and less and less diverse publicly voiced views, it is important that people learn about alternative media sources. When CanWest media decides to implement central editorials in all its media outlets and deny the publication of views contrary to central editorial, freedom of speech comes under fire. However, not all media sources are corporate controlled by profit agendas. Some media aim to provide non-sensationalized facts and stories from the people's perspectives rather than the boardroom's. It's important that students learn about alternative sources for current affairs studies.
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